Dave's Lawn Aeration Service

Dave's Lawn Aeration Service Ludlow MA

Hi I'm Dave owner/operator of Dave's Lawn Aeration Service. The picture above is my home with a lush green lawn and blazing stripes. Ever since I worked on a golf course I always wanted to have a lawn that looked as inviting as those fairways. I noticed there is a big difference between what is marketed to homeowners for lawn care and what golf course pros actually do to get that picture perfect turf. Any farmer and gardener knows healthy crop starts with a rich soil. My neighbors often catch me outside and ask, "how do you get a lawn like that?" I say, "you have to get your dirt right!"

I decided to start a lawn aeration service that focuses on creating optimal soil conditions so the grass can thrive. Liquid aeration is a newer technology that is becoming more popular among homeowners with excellent relief in soil compaction and the ability to combine organic nutrients for ultimate turf health. Ask about Dave's Liquid Aeration Plus+ Package.

Here is an aerial view of what my lawn looked like when I first moved in...

Dave's Lawn Aeration Service before property picture


Liquid Aeration

Liquid aeration is the innovative and efficient way to aerate your lawn.

This product has been tested and shown to relieve soil compaction just as well as core aeration, plus it has the ability to combine soil conditioner in the same application to really boost your lawn. It can be applied any season and is perfect in the spring because it will not interfere with any weed control applications. By utilizing soil loosening and conditioning solutions, this cutting-edge technique promotes better soil structure. Plus no need to mark sprinkler heads!

Core Aeration

Core Aeration relieves soil compaction with hollow tines that penetrate through the thatch layer and eject cores onto the turf surface.

The cores are utilized as a protective top dressing for new grass seed. More oxygen, water, and nutrients can reach the root zone stimulating deeper roots and improve fertilizer absorption rate. Deeper roots also help increase turf strength, disease resistance, and drought tolerance. For best results, soil conditioner is recommended to help speed up recovery and balance your soil pH.


Aeration and Overseeding in the fall are two important practices to grow healthy and vibrant lawns.

Overseeding with a high quality blend of grass seed enhances the lawn's ability to withstand stress and adapt to changing environmental conditions. Introducing new grass seed varieties will strengthen the turf and fill in thin bare patches making it more resistant to weed invasion. Overseeding is recommended in the Fall when the weather is more favorable for the grass seed to germinate and establish.

Want your lawn to be Golf Course Green? Do what the Pros do!

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